2023 Cigar Hall of Fame Inductees

“The Cigar Hall of Fame” was formed to honor cigar's that have paved the way and influenced the cigar industry.

Cabañas Cigars

Cabañas, a true giant of the 19th century, found its roots in the distinguished world of tobacco craftsmanship. Even before Spain lifted its monopoly on Cuban tobacco in 1817, Cabañas was already making waves as a purveyor to the Spanish crown. In fact, it is widely regarded as the first brand to introduce the Havana 'segar' to both England and the United States of America during that era. Unofficially born in 1797 under the name of its visionary founder, Francisco Cabañas, the brand's official registration followed in 1810. Remarkably, Cabañas holds the prestigious distinction of being the oldest known registered Cuban brand name, dating back further than any other cigar or product in Cuban history.

The intriguing history of Cabañas is shrouded in mystery, as cigar production was outlawed in Cuba during the Spanish Crown's reign. Despite this prohibition, Francisco Cabañas defied convention and produced his exquisite cigars, captivating the discerning tastes of cigar connoisseurs in England. With the passage of time, Cabañas garnered immeasurable admiration, becoming the most aggressively imitated brand in cigar history, setting the standard for generations to come.

A significant testament to its excellence, Cabañas was awarded a gold medal at the esteemed Great Exhibition, an accolade that symbolized the admiration of the most powerful nation on earth, Britannia, for the revered Cabañas Havana cigars.While the production of Cabañas ceased in 1962 after the Cuban Revolution, its resilient spirit was reignited in Castro's Cuba in 1989. Although eventually removed from the Habanos portfolio in 2005, the legacy of Cabañas continues.

Today, the spirit of Cabañas lives on through its Nicaraguan incarnation, masterfully handcrafted and owned today by Altadis USA.With a rightful place in The Cigar Hall of Fame, Cabañas stands tall as an example of excellence and an embodiment of the artistry that continues to define the world of cigars.

The Cigar Hall of Fame - 2023 Cigar Hall of Fame Inductee CabañasThe Cigar Hall of Fame

Cuesta Rey Cigars

In the heart of Tampa, Florida, a legendary journey began in 1884 when a young Spanish immigrant, Angel LaMadrid Cuesta, followed his passion for cigars and opened his very first cigar factory. Little did he know that this step would mark the beginning of a remarkable legacy in the world of handmade cigars.

Angel's exceptional craftsmanship quickly earned him a well-deserved reputation as one of the finest cigar makers of his time. In 1893, his path intersected with another visionary, Peregrino Rey, and together, they forged the world-renowned Cuesta-Rey premium cigars brand.The esteemed Cuesta Rey brand garnered exceptional recognition, being bestowed with the prestigious title of the official cigar of the 19th Century. The Spanish King Alfonso XIII himself honored them with the distinguished title of "Tobacco Purveyor of the Spanish King and Court," a testament to the brand's unwavering commitment to excellence.

In 1959, the legacy of Cuesta Rey entered a new chapter when it was acquired by J.C. Newman, a name synonymous with tradition and heritage in the cigar industry. Proudly bearing the name atop the Oldest Cigar Factory in the United States, located in the renowned Cigar City of Tampa, Florida, Cuesta Rey's roots remained firmly embedded in its birthplace.

As time progressed, Cuesta Rey continued to evolve while preserving its essence, culminating in the expert hands of the famed Arturo Fuente Factory in the Dominican Republic. Today, this illustrious brand is lovingly handcrafted in this iconic location, carrying forward the passion, skill, and dedication that have defined Cuesta Rey throughout its storied history.

Cuesta Rey stands as a symbol of timeless elegance and unparalleled craftsmanship. The Cigar Hall of Fame welcomes Cuesta Rey to join its inaugural class.

The Cigar Hall of Fame - 2023 Cigr Hall of Fame Inductee Cuesta ReyThe Cigar Hall of Fame

Davidoff Cigars

In the illustrious world of cigars, one name stands as a beacon of excellence and timeless sophistication – Davidoff. The journey of this iconic brand began in 1946 when Zino Davidoff, a visionary cigar retailer, obtained a license to craft his own series of cigars under his name. The inaugural creation, the Chateau Latour, marked the beginning of a legacy that would transcend time.

In 1967, Cubatabac sought to collaborate with Zino Davidoff, envisioning the creation of cigars that would bear the Davidoff name. Recognizing the potential for greatness, Zino embraced this partnership, setting the stage for an extraordinary chapter in the brand's history.

However, the winds of change would soon lead Zino Davidoff to new horizons. In 1990, amidst disputes with Cuba, he sought to secure a new location to continue bringing his iconic cigars to market. Fate guided him to Tabadom, nestled in the enchanting landscapes of the Dominican Republic and owned by the renowned Hendrik Kelner. From that moment onwards, Davidoff cigars were meticulously crafted within the hallowed walls of Tabadom, embodying the essence of perfection that Zino had always envisioned.

With each exquisitely crafted cigar, Davidoff continues to captivate aficionados with its unrivaled quality, unwavering commitment to excellence, and a spirit that transcends generations. Davidoff is a brand that shall forever be synonymous with the artistry, elegance, and unparalleled mastery of the world of premium cigars.

As we honor the Davidoff brand's remarkable journey, we extend a warm welcome to the inaugural class of The Cigar Hall of Fame.

The Cigar Hall of Fame - 2023 Cigar Hall of Fame Inductee DavidoffThe Cigar Hall of Fame - 2023 Cigar Hall of Fame Inductee - Davidoff

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