From historical significance and exceptional quality to cultural influence and originality, there are many criteria that selected brands must adhere to in order to make it into The Cigar Hall of Fame.
Cigar brands that have left an indelible mark on the history and legacy of the cigar industry are prime candidates for induction. This may include being pioneers in introducing new techniques, styles, blends, or formats that have shaped the industry.
Brands that have displayed visionary innovation, whether by introducing new cigar-making methods, unique tobacco blends, or groundbreaking packaging, are celebrated for their contributions to advancing the craft.
Brands that have consistently delivered outstanding craftsmanship, superior taste, and an unparalleled smoking experience over an extended period are regarded with distinction.
The impact of a cigar brand on the cultural and social fabric of the cigar world, as well as its resonance with enthusiasts and aficionados, is a crucial consideration.
Brands that have withstood the test of time, leaving an enduring legacy through the generations, and serving as inspiration or benchmarks for future endeavors, are deemed worthy of induction.
Recognition is given to brands that have set new standards, defined genres, or introduced novel concepts that have contributed to the evolution of the cigar industry.
Cigar brands that have become iconic and served as templates for imitation, emulation, or replication over decades or even centuries are accorded a special place in the hall of fame.
The extent to which a cigar brand has influenced other segments of the industry, from cultivation to manufacturing, distribution, and consumption, is a factor of significance.
Brands that have continued to inspire, educate, and captivate cigar enthusiasts through their legacy and timeless appeal are judged on their enduring influence.